Python "Unable to resolve" hatası


14 Ekim 2020
#-Modules import----------
from time import sleep #We import sleep function to use pauses.
from getpass import getpass #We import getpass function to get a password without echoing it.
import httplib #We use httplib to deal with data requests.
from pyamf import AMF3 #We import the AMF3 variable.
from pyamf import remoting #We import the remoting submodule to deal with AMF3 data.

#-Get login informations----------
print("----------1337 hax0r client by artania----------") #To get a nice render.
print("Enter your login :")
login = raw_input() #Put login in login variable.
password = getpass("Enter your password :") #Put password in password variable using non-echoing function.

#-Connect to MovieStarPlanet----------
headers = { "Host":"", "Origin":"", "X-Requested-With":"ShockwaveFlash/", "User-Agent":"Chrome/43.0.2357.81", "Content-Type":"application/x-amf", "Accept":"*/*" } #Headers for the request.
host = "" #Set the connect host.

requestTarget = "MovieStarPlanet.WebService.User.AMFUserServiceWeb.Login" #Set the request target to login.
loginInfo = [ login, password, [ 1234567890.0 ], None ] #Put the login informations in an array named loginInfo.
message = remoting.Envelope(amfVersion=AMF3) #Set the AMF version to 3
message['/1'] = remoting.Request(target=requestTarget, body=loginInfo) #Add the login informations and target to the AMF message.

body = remoting.encode(message).getvalue() #Encode the message (output a byte stream) read bytes and put them in body variable.
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) #Start the connection to the host.
connection.request("POST", "/Gateway.aspx", body, headers) #Send the request made previously.
response = connection.getresponse() #Get the response from the server.

if (response.status == 200):
 data = #Read the response.
connection.close() #Stop the connection.
print("Successfully connected to the server") #Let's print a little message.


#-Get player id and ticket----------
decoded = remoting.decode(data) #Decode data in decoded.
playerId = decoded['/1'].body.get('loginStatus').get('actor').get('ActorId') #Store player id.
ticket = decoded['/1'].body.get('loginStatus').get('ticket') #Store ticket.
print("Player ID : " + str(playerId)) #Print player id.
print("Ticket : " + str(ticket)) #Print ticket.

#-Starcoins rain----------
movieId = 20036930 #The movie id that we got earlier.
fames = 0 #Number of fames gained.
starcoins = 0 #Number of starcoins gained.
while True: #Let's loop forever !
 requestTarget = "MovieStarPlanet.WebService.MovieService.AMFMovieService.MovieWatched" #Set the request to watch a movie.
watchInfo = [ { 'Ticket' : ticket + 'fa83a11a198d5a7f0bf77a1987bcd006383430', 'anyAttribute' : None }, movieId, playerId ] #Put the informations into a watchInfo array (Ticket = ticket got earlier + hash found at the same place in recorded MovieWatched)
message = remoting.Envelope(amfVersion=AMF3) #Set the AMF version to 3
message['/1'] = remoting.Request(target=requestTarget, body=watchInfo) #Add the watch information and the target to the AMF message.

body = remoting.encode(message).getvalue() #Encode the message and put it in body.
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) #Start connection to the host set earlier.
connection.request("POST", "/Gateway.aspx", body, headers) #Send the request to the host using headers set earlier.
response = connection.getresponse() #Get the response from the server.

if (response.status == 200):
 data =

decoded = remoting.decode(data) #Decode data.
print("+ " + str(decoded['/1'].body.get('awardedFame')) + " fames") #Print fames earned.
fames += decoded['/1'].body.get('awardedFame') #Add the fames earned.

sleep(5) #Wait five seconds.

requestTarget = "MovieStarPlanet.WebService.MovieService.AMFMovieService.RateMovie" #Set the request to rate a movie.
rateInfo = [ { 'Ticket' : ticket + '92fb0c6d1758261f10d052e6e2c1123c383531', 'anyAttribute' : None }, { 'Comment' : '', 'Score' : 4, 'MovieId' : movieId, 'RateMovieId' : 0, 'RateDate' : '2016-04-13 17:29:40.346000', 'ActorId' : playerId } ] #Put the informations into a rateInfo array (Ticket = ticket got earlier + hash found at the same place in recorded RateMovie)
message = remoting.Envelope(amfVersion=AMF3) #Set the AMF version to 3
message['/1'] = remoting.Request(target=requestTarget, body=rateInfo) #Add the rate information and the target to the AMF message.

body = remoting.encode(message).getvalue() #Encode the message and put it in body.
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) #Start connection to the host set earlier.
connection.request("POST", "/Gateway.aspx", body, headers) #Send the request to the host using headers set earlier.
response = connection.getresponse()

if (response.status == 200):
 data =

decoded = remoting.decode(data) #Decode data.
print("+ " + str(decoded['/1'].body.get('awardedFame')) + " fames") #Print fames earned.
print("+ " + str(decoded['/1'].body.get('awardedStarCoins')) + " starcoins") #Print starcoins earned.
fames += decoded['/1'].body.get('awardedFame') #Add the fames earned.
starcoins += decoded['/1'].body.get('awardedStarCoins') #Add the starcoins earned.
print("S : " + str(starcoins) + " | F : " + str(fames)) #Print everything.

movieId += 1 #Increment movie id.
sleep(5) #Sleep again five seconds.

input() #Wait for an input.

Elimde böyle bir kod var ama hatalı.
Oyunda basit autograph yapıyor.

Hata 1:
Önem derecesi kod açıklama proje dosya çizgi gizleme durumu.
Uyarı unable to Resolve 'httplib'. Intellisense may be missing for this module. Pythonapplication1 C:\Users\xxt\source\repos\PythonApplication1\PythonApplication1\ 4

Hata 2:
Önem derecesi kod açıklama proje dosya çizgi gizleme durumu.
Uyarı unable to Resolve 'pyamf'. Intellisense may be missing for this module. Pythonapplication1 C:\Users\xxt\source\repos\PythonApplication1\PythonApplication1\ 5

Hata 3:
Önem derecesi kod açıklama proje dosya çizgi gizleme durumu.
Uyarı unable to Resolve 'pyamf'. Intellisense may be missing for this module. Pythonapplication1 C:\Users\xxt\source\repos\PythonApplication1\PythonApplication1\ 6
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