How long does it take to learn professional English?


23 Şubat 2021
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I know English. I'm talking little or very. But when I watch movies or series I sometimes don't understand. I know words but I don't understand sometimes phrases. When will this problem be fixed? I also talk to strangers from time to time.
@kalsiyumcanavari, I see. For C1 and C2 level, it is also necessary to know words at the academic level. I think that it can be done within 5-6 months with a lot of hard work.
Dear, @kalsiyumcanavari

I believe your English level is below B1. You make a lot of grammar mistakes at the first place, you are using wrong propositional pharisees. I hope you will overcome these obstacles with more training.

You can check with IELTS preparations and DuoLingo.
Also, it's important for you to use English in your daily life. I'm not talking about talking English but, for example, we can use our phones and computers in English. Playing games in English, reading English tech news (Techradar, etc.), talking with others on English tech forums like LTT Forum. It's amazing you can find answers when you search as English while you can't find it when you search the term as Turkish.

For things like "in, on, at, writing/write" that we (especially me) usually write wrong, you can use extensions like Grammarly. I'm using it right now.

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